How can you make your ipad stay on line? You maybe know how to surf internet with your ipad,
but it has some limits, perhaps most of us use built-in Wi-Fi, what
problem do you get? Do you notice that you can’t connect the internet at
some place? Or when you are out of Wi-Fi hotspots? Or it just freeze
when you watch videos or whatever else? When that happens, how do you
feel? What do you want to do? I gotta say, it sucks, but apple inc.
always can figure it out. Of course, Wi-Fi is powerful, but sometimes
you need another way to stay connected.
All iPad
models come with built-in Wi-Fi. If you want to access the Internet in
more places, choose iPad with Wi-Fi + 3G and sign up for 3G data service
from AT&T or Verizon — right on your iPad. Wi-Fi or Wi-Fi + 3G.
Which iPad should you choose?
iPad with Wi-Fi is ideal if you have a wireless high-speed Internet router in your home, or if you’ll be using your iPad near a wireless hotspot — in a coffee shop or school library, for example.
iPad with Wi-Fi + 3G includes Wi-Fi connectivity as well as 3G connectivity. 3G uses cellular signals — the same signals your cell phone uses — to connect to the Internet. Choose an iPad with Wi-Fi + 3G if you’ll be spending time in places without Wi-Fi hotspots, such as outdoors or on your morning commute.
Tip: chose your ipad by carrier.
If you decide on an iPad with
Wi-Fi + 3G, be sure to select the model that corresponds with the
carrier you’d like to use for 3G service. The iPad model you purchase is
specially configured to work with either AT&T or Verizon — not
both. So while you don’t have to activate 3G service right away, you
should choose your iPad with Wi-Fi + 3G according to the carrier you prefer.
you decide to activate 3G data service, you can choose the amount of
data per month you want to buy — with no long-term contract. So if you
have a business trip or vacation approaching, just sign up for the month you’ll be traveling and cancel when you get back.
What you gonna do:
1. Sign up.
Tap Settings and choose Cellular Data. Then select a plan and enter your payment information.
2. Check your usage.
iPad lets you know when you’re about to reach your data limit so you can add more.
3. Adjust your plan
If you want more data, you can sign up for a different plan — or cancel 3G data service altogether — anytime, right from your iPad.
Which Ipad do you decide to chose, depends on your own condition.And maybe sometimes you don’t want to stay connected, and there is no need to do that, but you still want to watch videos or ibooks with your ipad when you are boring, then you may need an ipad video converter, and what do you know about these operations of ipad: how to manage application icons on ipad? how to sync itouch videos to ipad? And how to play flash video on ipad?
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