Dariy of a Wimpy kid

Have you watched the comedy-《Diary of a Wimpy Kid》? I bet most movie fans will say “it’s historical”, not that exaggerate, but it makes sense, after all ,that movie has been released for a long time, not mention , and as you know it’s a series that based on the novel written by Jeff Kinney. I think the third an fourth one will be released soon, and I have more passion to look forward it than . I just think these kids in the movie are just so funny, and I can’t wait sharing it with you guys.

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It’s an alternative dairy including comic、scrawl and textual description. Gray is a junior high school boy. He is kind, honest, intelligent, playful and full of tricks. His mother lets him keep a diary, apart from a lot interesting or memorable things, he also draws many cartoons. In the diary, Gray describes how to manage his high school life which is full of adventure, and how to escape the school singing competitions, and the most important thing is how to prevent any person knowing his secret.

He and his best friend Ronnie are kind of geeks in their school, generally they are the one who be paid attention more than others (but not the good side), cos others always have problem with them, especially those soccer players (why they always be the bad guy in the movie, it freaks me out, you know, laugh at other students that weaker than them, or even play tricks on them). More than that, school is not the only thing that Gary has to deal with, also his big brother just won’t let him go, once he get the chance to tease Gary, he’ll take advantage of it exhaustively. And his little brother, Gary is the one who have to look after him when their parents are busy, if something happens to that little rascal, it’s definitely Gary’ fault, even it’s not.

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And there more hilarious details about that movie, after you watching it, you’ll know. Just a few days ago, I watched it on my ipad (not buy it , just convert it to MP4 with ipad converter suite) when I was in a bus, and I can’t help laughing loudly, you can imagine how embarrassing I was.

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If you want to watch your favorite movies on your ipad, you may want to know:
H.264 video up to 720p, 30 frames per second;

MPEG-4 video, up to 2.5 Mbps, 640 by 480 pixels, 30 frames per second;

Motion JPEG (M-JPEG) up to 35 Mbps, 1280 by 720 pixels, 30 frames per second.

These format means what video ipad can support, we can see that most format can’t be supported by ipad/ipod, so if we want to watch some video is DivX, XviD, MOV, rm, rmvb, MPEG, WMV, AVI etc, we need a converter. For mac users, ipad converter for mac is suitable.

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Par bbritin le jeudi 11 août 2011


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